
lunedì 28 ottobre 2013

Superduo Spiral Bracelet - Spirale con Superduo

Hi everyone!

Lately I'm trying to find different ways to use all my Superduo beads because I have way too much of them and also because I want to buy new Twin Beads colors.

As I was looking for Superduo spiral, I realized I didn't like what I came across to. So, I tried to make one of my own.

I don't know if there is one similar (there probably is since it's so easy).

I used Superduo beads and 11/0 seed beads.

I was really in the mood of creating something new so I also created those simple earrings.

mercoledì 23 ottobre 2013

Pentalux Pendant - Ciondolo Pentalux

Ciao a tutti!

Today I'm showing you my last two creations.
The project is pendant "Pentalux", whose pattern was created by Laura Art.

I created two of them because I liked very much creating the first one and I had to make the second one!
I'm quite sure I'll make a third, forth, ...

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Oggi vi mostro due creazioni che ho realizzato di recente.
Il progetto in questione è il ciondolo "Pentalux" della bravissima Laura Art.

Ne ho realizzati due perché mi è piaciuto talmente tanto realizzare il primo che ho dovuto subito replicare! Sono sicura che presto arriverà anche il terzo, quarto, ...

Nelle mie due versioni ho usato le tonalità del viola e del turchese. Sono bellissimi!

You can find the video tutorial HERE.

Complimenti a Laura per la sua bellissima creazione il cui video tutorial, se vorrete realizzarlo anche voi, potrete trovare QUI sul suo profilo youtube.

venerdì 18 ottobre 2013

Finalmente Ciondolo Granada!

Finalmente, dopo tanto tempo, sono riuscita a riprodurre il ciondolo della bravissima Sabine Lippert "Granada".
Avevo lo schema fermo lì da molto tempo e ogni volta che volevo riprodurlo, puntualmente mi mancava qualcosa. Ora le perle, ora il rivoli centrale, ora le drops.

Lo trovo semplicemente meraviglioso e me ne sono innamorata.
Ecco la mia versione. Spero vi piaccia.

This is my version of the Granada Pendant, by Sabine Lippert. Hope you like it.


sabato 5 ottobre 2013

DIY Romanian Point lace cord bracelet / Bracciale ad uncinetto Spighetta rumena Fai-da-te

Here I am with another creation!

I discovered the Romanian Point Lace (I don't know if this is the right name for this basic stitch) a few months ago and  immediately fell in love with it.
It's so simple and fast to learn and even faster to make bracelets. It's such an enjoyable and catchy technique!

I actually did a few of them in different colours - turquoise, red, white, orange, purple, natural (the one in the picture). For those, I used waxed cotton and they're perfect for spring/summer time.
I'm thinking of using wool that would be great for making wintertime accessories.

Ho scoperto la Spighetta Rumena un paio di mesi fa e ne sono diventata subito entusiasta!
E' così facile e veloce da imparare ed ancor più veloce realizzarne un bracciale. E' una tecnica molto divertente!

Ho realizzato diversi bracciali in colori differenti - turchese, rosso, bianco, arancio, viole, naturale (presente in foto). Per questi ho utilizzato del cotone cerate e sono perfetti per il periodo primaverile ed estivo.
Sto pensando di farne alcuni in lana, perfetti per realizzare accessori invernali.

What other things would you make with this kind of technique?

Quali altre cose realizzereste con questa tecnica?

mercoledì 2 ottobre 2013

Wire bracelets with Preciosa Farfalle

Here I am again with some new creations!

I dedicated my last days playing with memory wire and it was quite nerve-wraking because wire and I really don't get along! I don't know why but that's how it is. I really enjoyed, though, the end result of these bracelets.

I had some Preciosa Farfalle Beads in my hands and was thinking about using them for bracelets because I think they're nice and funny.

This is what I came up with.

I used Preciosa Farfalle, butterfly shaped beads. They come in all colours and they really look like butterflies. So cute!

Preciosa Ornela is a Traditional Czeck Beads brand, famous for their wide range of beads and glass sead beads. It is a source for all the jewelry designers and creative people.

Not only do they sell wonderful beads, but Preciosa Ornela Facebook Page offers free projects and ideas for everyone.

If you wish to browse their website, here it is: Preciosa Ornela

And  this picture shows how much I'm enjoying taking pictures of my Farfalle beads new creations!
